WEBINAR: 8 Things That Drive Your Company Value

If you’re like many entrepreneurs, you use your Profit & Loss (P&L) statement as your report card at the end of the year. You may even use your P&L to determine what your company is worth by applying a multiple to your profit. Reviewing data from over 40,000 entrepreneurs that have used The Value Builder System™, we’ve seen examples of companies that fetch up to three times more than the average price for companies in their industry.

Whether you want to sell your business — or know that you could — this webinar will cover eight key factors that drive your company value and offer suggestions on how to increase the value dramatically.


MAY 21, 2024

11:45 AM – 1:00 PM

During this session, we’ll look at how to:

  • Structure your business to maximize its value.
  • Accelerate the pace of positive word-of-mouth for your business, using the same techniques as companies like Eventbrite, Intuit, Google and Apple.
  • Differentiate your business using the same methodology Warren Buffet looks for in the companies in which he invests.
  • Minimize your company’s reliance on your personal involvement using strategies from other successful business owners.


Managing Director M&A

We hope you can join us!


Robert G. Carpenter

President & CEO

BWFA is a Fee-Only/Fiduciary Advisor.

For questions or help registering, please contact

Cortney Caronna, Marketing Associate | emailus@bwfa.com | 410-461-3900