WEBINAR: Successfully Managing Stress & Anxiety with Dr. Heidi Schreiber-Pan


Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and author, speaker, and therapist, Dr. Heidi Schreiber-Pan invite you to a wellness workshop discussion on “Successfully Managing Stress & Anxiety.”
Wellness Webinar
Tuesday, November 21, 2022 from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM EDT
  • What are the signs and symptoms and how do they relate to “normal” stress and anxiety?
  • What tools are available to help combat these feelings of stress and anxiety?
  • Who to turn to when you are in need of support?
  • The 3 C’s – Compassion, Connection and Communication. How do those translate to real life situations to help become more present in your everyday life?
  • How to use tools such as meditation and mindfulness to deal with your stress and anxiety.
Clinical Director
Chesapeake Mental Health Collaborative
Heidi Schreiber-Pan, Ph.D., LCPC, NCC is a successful psychotherapist, author, clinical director and sought-after nationwide speaker on topics of resilience, anxiety, neuroscience, and occupational burnout. As an affiliate and former faculty member of Loyola University, Maryland, her past research has focused on resiliency and psychological well-being, including nature-based mental health.
Dr. Schreiber-Pan has worked with various organizations, schools and corporations to reduce stress on a communal level and to increase structural well-being through training in positive psychology as well as emotional intelligence coaching.
Dr. Schreiber-Pan has developed unique continuing education courses that combine established clinical methods such as CBT with innovative treatment approached including nature-based psychotherapy and neuro-counseling.
She is the author of Taming the Anxious Mind: A guidebook to relieve stress and anxiety.

We hope you can join us!


Robert Carpenter

President & CEO

BWFA is a Fee-Only/Fiduciary Advisor.
For questions or help registering please contact,
Cortney Caronna | Marketing Associate | BWFA | emailus@bwfa.com | 410-461-3900

BWFA is proud to offer several webinars every week on a variety

of financial topics as well as lifestyle and wellness topics.
Webinars are complimentary and are easily accessed through Zoom.
Feel free to forward this email to your friends and family who may be interested
as well, they can virtually participate from anywhere in the world!
Additionally, if you’d like to schedule a complimentary consultation via
phone or Zoom, please email Cortney Caronna at ccaronna@bwfa.com.
View and signup for Upcoming Webinars at the link below.