WEBINAR: Should I Have Long-Term Care Insurance?


The average life expectancy in the U.S. is longer than ever before. Do you have a plan for personal care if you can no longer live independently? Join us to learn the facts about long-term care, and the role it plays in a well-rounded retirement financial plan. 
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM EDT
Many believe that their health-insurance policy will cover all or most of their medical and personal care, such as help in dressing, bathing, and toileting. Unfortunately, health insurance generally focuses on the prevention and treatment of medical conditions. Long-term care insurance is designed to help you maintain your current lifestyle at a time when you can no longer be independent. This type of care may be needed if you develop a chronic or long-term illness, suffer from a serious injury or disability, or acquire a cognitive impairment that causes disorientation.
  • What Long-Term Care is all about
  • What Long-Term Care insurance is – and is not
  • Why Medicare does NOT pay for most long term care needs
  • Why Medicaid is not the long term care solution of choice
  • How a LTC policy is designed
  • What Constitutes a “good” LTC policy
  • How LTC policies are priced
  • General tax implications of LTC policies
  • Who Should Consider Long Term Care Insurance
  • The general underwriting requirements of LTC insurance
  • Is LTC insurance right for everybody – and is it right for you?
Managing Director, Wealth Management
& Executive Manager
Senior Financial Planner
We hope you can join us!

Robert Carpenter

President and CEO

BWFA is a Fee-Only/Fiduciary Advisor.
For questions or help registering please contact,
Cortney Caronna | Marketing Associate | BWFA | emailus@bwfa.com | 410-461-3900

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