WEBINAR: Lab Work 101 With Dr. Emily Telfair

Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Dr. Emily Telfair, ND, invite you to a Wellness Workshop “Lab Work 101”.
Wellness Webinar
Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM EST
Have you ever wondered what your doctor is looking for in your lab work and what it means? Dr. Emily will provide you with the background you need to ask informed questions during your routine doctor visits and to overall feel more empowered as a patient.  (This presentation is for educational purposes only and will not include interpretation of participants’ lab results.)
  • What are the most commonly ordered lab tests?
  • What can be learned from laboratory testing?
  • Which lab tests can screen for common chronic health concerns?
  • When is it important to fast before getting blood work?
  • What factors can impact blood work results?
  • What additional lab tests can I discuss with my doctor for additional preventative care?
Naturopathic Doctor
HeartSpace Natural Medicine
Dr. Emily Telfair began and grew her naturopathic practice in the Baltimore area after earning her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, WA. Originally from St. Louis, MO, she first learned about naturopathic medicine while studying biology and psychology at the University of Dayton in Ohio. The combination of a strong science curriculum with attention to how both emotional and spiritual stressors impact physical health resonated with Dr. Emily’s belief that healing begins with understanding the whole person.
To support a balanced and joy-filled life, Dr. Emily enjoys the simple pleasures of walking to work, Sunday yoga class, mindfulness meditation and connecting with friends and family.

We hope you can join us!


Robert Carpenter

President and CEO

BWFA is a Fee-Only/Fiduciary Advisor.
For questions or help registering please contact,
Cortney Caronna | Marketing Associate | BWFA |  emailus@bwfa.com | 410-461-3900

BWFA is proud to offer several webinars every week on a variety

of f inancial topics as well as lifestyle and wellness topics.
Webinars are complimentary and are easily accessed through Zoom.
Feel free to forward this email to your friends and family who may be interested
as well, they can virtually participate from anywhere in the world!
Additionally, if you’d like to schedule a complimentary consultation via
phone or Zoom, please email Cortney Caronna at ccaronna@bwfa.com.
View and signup for Upcoming Webinars at the link below.