Weekly Economic Update
January 2, 2018
The Markets (as of market close December 29, 2017)
While 2017 surely was a strong year for equities overall, the last week of the year was lackluster. The major benchmark indexes posted week-over-week losses, except for the Global Dow, which increased slightly. Much of last week’s performance could be attributable to nothing more than light trading during the holiday-shortened week. Long-term bond prices rose, pushing yields on the 10-year Treasuries down a bit by the end of the week. The price of crude oil climbed up from last week and gold also rose in price ahead of the prior week’s close value.
Last Week’s Economic Headlines
- The international trade deficit was $69.7 billion in November, up from $68.1 billion in October. Exports of goods for November were $3.8 billion more than October exports. Imports of goods for November were $5.4 billion more than October imports, hence the rise in the trade deficit week over week.
- The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® fell to 122.
1 in December, down from 128.6 in November. The Present Situation Index, which measures consumers’ views on the present state of the economy, increased from 154.9 to 156.6, although the Expectations Index declined from 111.0 in November to 99.1 in December.
- In the week ended December 23, initial claims for unemployment insurance was 245,000, unchanged from the previous week’s level.
Eye on the Week Ahead
The first week of 2018 should see trading pick up. The December 2017 employment report is out this Friday, which could reveal a slight drop in the unemployment rate.
We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
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Social Security
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Are you confused by
Social Security benefits?
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to this interactive workshop discussion.
Topics to include:
- How work, age and marital status affect your benefits
- Synchronizing your spousal benfits
- Minimizing taxes on your benefits
- Integrating Social Security with other retirement income
Please join us as we discuss these issues and more.
Wellness: Self-Care Strategies for the Aging Brain
Thursday, January 18, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to a wellness Seminar Series with Dr. Emily Telfair, N.D.
Topics to include:
- Exploring the relationshipbetween Food and Mood
- Learning about nutrients that boost cognitive function
- Preventing dementia with healthy blood sugar managment
- Calming stress and improving memory through mindfulness meditation
Please join us as we discuss these issues and more.
Making the Most of Medicare
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
90% of Medicare Enrollees over-pay. Will you?
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to join us for an informative discussion on the relevant details of Medicare.
Topics to include:
- How to enroll?
- What are the costs?
- How to choose the right plan
- Where to find additional resources
- How to “shop smart” for medicare
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
State of Residence in Retirement
Thursday, January 25, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Which state is best for you?
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to join us for an informative discussion on where you will live in retirement.
Topics to include:
- What state is best?
- How much will it cost to stay in Maryland?
- How to decide where you will retire
- Should you purchase or rent?
- Healthcare costs by state
- Differences in state and local income taxes
- Estate planning and estate taxes by state
- Property and sales tax by state
- Cost of living by state
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
What You Need to Know Before You Retire
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Are You Prepared for Retirement?
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to attend a symposium on implementing and adopting strategies for a succesful retirement.
Topics to include:
- Avoiding the common mistakes
- Have you saved enough?
- Creating a vision- where will you live, what will you be doing, who will you live near?
- Evaluating your retirement savings
- Social Security
- Healthcare options/choices
- Creating a retirement paycheck
- Tax implications
- Asset allocation strategies for retirement
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
The Pitfalls of Annuities
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
The good, the bad – are they right for you?
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to attend a discussion on the relevant details of annuities.
Topics to include:
- Types of annuities
- Investment or insurance?
- Expenses and costs
- Tax considerations
- Relinquished control of your money
- Aggressive sales tactics
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Tax Planning:
Strategies to Help You Plan Early for Tax Season
Thursday, February 8, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Presented by:
Lex Ruygrok, CPA
Tax Consultant
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to a discussion on lowering your tax bill!
It is almost time for taxes! Learn tips and strategies on how to save money when filing your taxes.
Topics to include:
- Three tax strategies that will save you money
- Specific tax code provisions that you need to know
- How to lower your tax bill
- How to avoid costly penalties
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Elder Law
Guest Speaker: Steve Elville
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Learn what Elder Law Attorneys are advising clients in 2018!
An Elder Law consultation is an important part of the planning process. Attendees will learn what is involved in an Elder Law consultation, and what Elder Law attorneys are advising clients in elder Law in 2018.
Presented by:
Steve Elville, Esq.
Elville and Associates
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to an interactive workshop on “Elder Law”.
Elder Law encompasses many things:
- Planning for individuals and families who do not have taxable estates, but who are primarily concerned about the protection of assets and addressing disability and long term care issues
- Medical assistance (Medicaid), Long-term care planning, asset protection, nursing home and assisted living selection and placement, special needs planning, guardianship, Social Security issues, Veteran’s benefits, senior housing issues, powers of attorney, advance medical directives, will, trusts, and more.
Required Minimum Distributions
Thursday, February 15, 2018
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Dinner to be provided
If you’re approaching 70, the IRS wants your IRA!
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baby boomers who own a traditional IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other qualified retirement plan, will soon have to face taking their Required Minimum Distributions (RMD’s). Suddenly, a portion of your tax-deferred savings will be taxable again and the impact on your portfolio could be significant if you’re not armed with the right information and the correct strategy.
Topics to include:
- When do I have to take my RMD – and are there exceptions?
- How much will I have to take out?
- How much will I have to pay in taxes?
- How does it impact my Social Security?
- How does it impact Medicare Premeiums?
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.