President’s Address

Client Advisory Board

By:  Rob Carpenter I President & CEO

Without feedback from our clients, it’s difficult to know whether we are living up to their expectations. That’s why, more than 15 years ago, we formed the Client Advisory Board—a small group of clients that advocates on behalf of all of our clients.

BWFA maintains an active and vibrant Client Advisory Board to stay connected and build trust with our clients. We believe honest feedback from our clients creates a valuable competitive advantage for BWFA. Today, we have more than 25 active advisory board members who meet with us four times per year to lend their opinions and communicate openly on the issues that matter most to clients. Service is often at the heart of these discussions.  At BWFA, we’ve built our reputation on understanding the needs of our clients and delivering a great client experience along the way. Our Client Advisory Board helps make sure we’re still on track.

We believe that Client Advisory Board members help both our clients and BWFA’s management team in several important ways:

  • They are powerful tools for building client relationships.
  • They help us gain new perspectives and exchange constructive ideas.
  • They help us establish a dialogue, stay connected, and build trust with all of our clients.

When we meet, the topics are often wide ranging and can include discussions of the investment process, the direction and philosophy of the firm, our responsiveness to clients, and technology that will enhance our service. We often introduce new additions to our staff during these meetings as well.

Some beneficial ideas have come out of both Client Advisory Board meetings and from one-on-one client meetings. For example, based on feedback we received at Client Advisory Board meetings, we rebranded our website and our quarterly magazine to better reflect our image and to provide access to the information that is most useful to both current and prospective clients. By listening to honest feedback, we are able to act quickly and provide only the services that are most beneficial to clients.

We greatly value board members’ insights and appreciate their support. Feedback we’ve received from them indicates that they welcome the opportunity to serve as an important resource for our company.

We enjoy getting to know our clients and learning about their families and their lives. Occasionally, we find ourselves meeting with three generations of the same family over the course of the year, giving us valuable insight into the concerns that drive our clients’ financial decisions. We cherish our relationships above all, and we are always trying to create the best client experience in the industry.

Members of the Client Advisory Board help shape the firm around our clients’ needs. We invite you, too, to be in touch any time with suggestions or insights on how we can improve BWFA’s products and services. We value the opinions of all BWFA clients and welcome input that will help shape BWFA’s future.